New Article on Unattended Windows Installation - Methods & Tools

  Below we have included some very useful information regarding the NEW     
  Window 8 - Consumer Beta
system, with links to the files. 

Introduction to Windows 8 Consumer Beta

Introduction to Windows 8 Pop Quiz

Common Windows 8 - Shortcut keys

The second important topic we have covered here in an introductory level is the newly developed and marketed services of Cloud Computing.  While the actual process is not completely new, the vendor marketing has made Cloud computing the latest craze, as well as a signal of things to come, with link to the article. Within the article are many valuable links to learn more technical information about the Cloud.


Introduction to Cloud Services

MBR and EFI Disk Partition Styles
We have a new article on the very latest hard disk drive partitioning technologies. Many Windows 7 features, as well as the newest operating system Windows 8, rely on the newest firmware and partition technologies to support  the newest features such as bit-locker and virtual hard drives.  Bios are becoming obsolete and so is the Master Boot Table partition style. This article should answer many questions. There is also a pop quiz on the Practice Test Page to test your understanding of the concepts.    Download as PDF.

Dual Boot Windows XP and Vista

You can install both Windows XP and Vista on the same PC. This is a great lab activity with each step explained in detail. It is a must do lab before taking the CompTIA A+ certification exam. Download as PDF.

Introduction to Windows Vista
A complete introduction to Windows Vista. All versions of Vista are compared as well as an overview of installation requirements and new features. A short quiz at the end. Download as PDF.

DDR, DDR2 and DDR3
DDR3 is relatively new and a lot of students have questions about it. A new article explains the differences between DDR, DDR2 and DDR3. Download it as a PDF.

Other interesting articles, teaching tips and student handouts have been published in past editions of our Newsletters.  We will continue to list them alphabetically as long as they are relevant to new technology or your teaching program.  Please feel free to download anything you need for your teaching program.

Aero Feature Information - For the CompTIA exam.
Blank Resistor Code - Here is a great test for your computer and electronics programs.
Dual Boot Lab - For Vista and Windows XP.
Laser Printer Handout - Here is a good quiz for your students.
Motherboard Parts Identification - Here is another good quiz on Motherboards.
Recommended Equipment List for a new CSR teaching laboratory.
Vista Editions Teaching Tip - We hope you find this helpful on the various editions of Vista.
Wireshark Article - Here is an article about a great tool.
Windows Worksheet - Another useful handout for XP.

See our Brand NEW 4th Edition of Computer Service and Repair (copyright 2015)  All books and educational support materials are available for order for your new 2014-2015 year.  The book includes all of the old favorite support materials and up to date systems and methods.  You'll be glad you invested in the CompTIA A+ certification materials.
New Course Outline for Computer Service and Repair, 4th Edition

can be downloaded here.
 PDF Course Outline

Archived Newsletters - We hope they are helpful to you.
  August 2013    September 2013


April 2013           January 2013 

October 2012    November 2012

September 2012          May 2012


April-May 2012   February 2012

January 2012   December 2011

May 2009          September 2008

August 2008     May 2008

April 2008         September 2007